
Tending the Inner Nest: A Wholehearted Workshop
A wholehearted workshop with kindred creative souls who appreciate the power of music, sound, myth, poetry, meditation, movement, and image.
Facilitator Judith-Kate Friedman is a life-long performing artist, songwriter, and poet with decades of experience coaching active and aspiring creatives of all backgrounds and ages.
You'll gain resources for greater resilience, flexibility and a repertoire of creative responses to chaos and uncertainty, be it in yourself, with loved ones, or in community.

The Shape of Things Other
(Dates are approximate)
The Shape of Things Other: A journey into, and with, the work of Daniel Deardorff and his book The Other Within: The Genius of Deformity in Myth, Culture, and Psyche (3rd ed.,Inner Traditions, 2022)
Judith-Kate Friedman, life partner of storyteller, mythsinger and polymath Daniel Deardorff (1952-2019), joins The Fifth Direction to offer a deep dive into Danny’s soul-stirring book The Other Within over four Sunday mornings, culminating in a half-day retreat.

4th Annual Love Dogs - An Evening with Judith-Kate Friedman and Daniel “3D” Deardorff - Full concert video plus live music 6p Pacific Time
On February 12th, 2025, Mythsinger Legacy Project hosts a watch party for Love Dogs - An Evening with Judith-Kate Friedman and Daniel “3D” Deardorff. This event blends their classic full concert video (filmed on Valentine's day, 2015), plus new love poems and music from Judith-Kate and time for conversation.
The event will be held on zoom and is offered on a pay-as-you-can, pay-what-you-wish basis. Donations benefit the Mythsinger Legacy Project, a fiscally-sponsored project of Songwriting Works Educational Foundation (501c3).

4th Annual Love Dogs - An Evening with Judith-Kate Friedman and Daniel “3D” Deardorff - Full concert video plus live music 12noon Pacific Time
On February 12th, 2025, Mythsinger Legacy Project hosts a watch party for Love Dogs - An Evening with Judith-Kate Friedman and Daniel “3D” Deardorff. This event blends their classic full concert video (filmed on Valentine's day, 2015), plus new love poems and music from Judith-Kate and time for conversation.
The event will be held on zoom and is offered on a pay-as-you-can, pay-what-you-wish basis. Donations benefit the Mythsinger Legacy Project, a fiscally-sponsored project of Songwriting Works Educational Foundation (501c3).

Mythsinger StoryNight! - October 2024, 2:00am PST session
On Weds Oct 15th one of the great ancient myths will be told!
We meet around the Zoom "Virtual Hearth" to listen as Daniel Deardorff (1952-2019), one of the finest mythtellers of his time, beams in from the Mythsinger archives. Your hosts Judith-Kate Friedman and Audrey di Mola will bring live music and poetry. Everyone in need of a story is welcome.
Myths hold wisdom distilled over millennia. They help us navigate the foibles of life: love, desire, treachery, oppression, heroism, and grief. Mythic tricksters teach us to live in connection with the Living World, with kindness, humor, cunning, and grace. They deepen our sense of what it means to be human, animal, and victoriously alive. Daniel Deardorff brought these Oral Tradition stories to life like no other mythteller of his time. As we sit together in circle after the story is told, we feed the story, each other, and the mythteller with our insights, questions, and gratitude. Join us!
Register Early to Reserve your Space via email by sending an inquiry to mythsinger. You'll receive the Zoom link upon registration.

Creative Playground
This FREE online event gives you time to play be it with words, music, movement, vision boarding or memory-making. Poems and prompts will be provided. Or bring your own project to work on in good company.

Mythsinger StoryNight! - September 2024, 6pm PST session
On Weds Sept 25th one of the great ancient myths will be told!
We meet around the Zoom "Virtual Hearth" to listen as Daniel Deardorff (1952-2019), one of the finest mythtellers of his time, beams in from the Mythsinger archives. Your hosts Judith-Kate Friedman and Audrey di Mola will bring live music and poetry. Everyone in need of a story is welcome.
Myths hold wisdom distilled over millennia. They help us navigate the foibles of life: love, desire, treachery, oppression, heroism, and grief. Mythic tricksters teach us to live in connection with the Living World, with kindness, humor, cunning, and grace. They deepen our sense of what it means to be human, animal, and victoriously alive. Daniel Deardorff brought these Oral Tradition stories to life like no other mythteller of his time. As we sit together in circle after the story is told, we feed the story, each other, and the mythteller with our insights, questions, and gratitude. Join us!
Register Early to Reserve your Space via Eventbrite. You'll receive the Zoom link upon registration.

Mythsinger StoryNight! - September 2024, 11am PST session
On Weds Sept 25th one of the great ancient myths will be told!
We meet around the Zoom "Virtual Hearth" to listen as Daniel Deardorff (1952-2019), one of the finest mythtellers of his time, beams in from the Mythsinger archives. Your hosts Judith-Kate Friedman and Audrey di Mola will bring live music and poetry. Everyone in need of a story is welcome.
Myths hold wisdom distilled over millennia. They help us navigate the foibles of life: love, desire, treachery, oppression, heroism, and grief. Mythic tricksters teach us to live in connection with the Living World, with kindness, humor, cunning, and grace. They deepen our sense of what it means to be human, animal, and victoriously alive. Daniel Deardorff brought these Oral Tradition stories to life like no other mythteller of his time. As we sit together in circle after the story is told, we feed the story, each other, and the mythteller with our insights, questions, and gratitude. Join us!
Register Early to Reserve your Space via Eventbrite. You'll receive the Zoom link upon registration.

Mythsinger StoryNight - June 2024, 6pm session
Myths are made for challenging times. They hold wisdom distilled over millennia that help humans navigate the foibles of life: love, empire, desire, treachery, poverty, oppression, loss, heroism, grief. Myths and mythic tricksters teach us to live in connection with the Living World, with kindness, humor, cunning, and grace. Daniel Deardorff brought these ancient tales to life like no other mythteller of his time. Join us Wednesday, Odin’s Day, June 26th around the virtual (Zoom) hearth to hear and share in one of the great old stories told by this master teller, mythsinger, and beloved teacher (via video) with live music and more from your hosts Judith-Kate Friedman (songwriter, story-carrier, and Daniel's partner for many years) and Audrey di Mola (storyteller, space-holder, and creative facilitator) of the Mythsinger Legacy Project.
Register Early to Reserve your Space via Eventbrite. You'll receive the Zoom link upon registration.

Mythsinger StoryNight - June 2024, 11am session
Myths are made for challenging times. They hold wisdom distilled over millennia that help humans navigate the foibles of life: love, empire, desire, treachery, poverty, oppression, loss, heroism, grief. Myths and mythic tricksters teach us to live in connection with the Living World, with kindness, humor, cunning, and grace. Daniel Deardorff brought these ancient tales to life like no other mythteller of his time. Join us Wednesday, Odin’s Day, June 26th around the virtual (Zoom) hearth to hear and share in one of the great old stories told by this master teller, mythsinger, and beloved teacher (via video) with live music and more from your hosts Judith-Kate Friedman (songwriter, story-carrier, and Daniel's partner for many years) and Audrey di Mola (storyteller, space-holder, and creative facilitator) of the Mythsinger Legacy Project.
Register Early to Reserve your Space via Eventbrite. You'll receive the Zoom link upon registration.

Mythsinger StoryNight
Join us on Wednesday, Odin’s Day, March 27th at 6-8pm Pacific Time as we gather together round the virtual hearth, coast to coast and around the world, to savor our first Mythsinger StoryNight of 2024. One of the ancient stories which Daniel Deardorff—beloved mythsinger, master teller, and teacher—carried will be told! Judith-Kate Friedman—songwriter, story-carrier, and Daniel's partner for many years—will add live music into the mythic mix.

Mythsinger StoryNight
Join us on Wednesday, Odin’s Day, March 27th at 11-1pm Pacific Time as we gather together round the virtual hearth, coast to coast and around the world, to savor our first Mythsinger StoryNight of 2024. One of the ancient stories which Daniel Deardorff—beloved mythsinger, master teller, and teacher—carried will be told! Judith-Kate Friedman—songwriter, story-carrier, and Daniel's partner for many years—will add live music into the mythic mix.

3rd Annual Love Dogs - An Evening with Judith-Kate Friedman and Daniel “3D” Deardorff - Full concert video plus live music and poetry
CELEBRATE LOVE on LEAP DAY! On February 29th, 2024, Judith-Kate Friedman hosts a watch party for Love Dogs - An Evening with Judith-Kate Friedman and Daniel “3D” Deardorff . This event blends a classic concert video (filmed at Key City Public Theatre on Valentine's day, 2015), plus new love poems and music from Judith-Kate and time for conversation. These events will be held on zoom. Donations benefit the Mythsinger Legacy Project.

3rd Annual Love Dogs - An Evening with Judith-Kate Friedman and Daniel “3D” Deardorff - Full concert video plus live music and poetry
CELEBRATE LOVE on LEAP DAY! On February 29th, 2024, Judith-Kate Friedman hosts a watch party for Love Dogs - An Evening with Judith-Kate Friedman and Daniel “3D” Deardorff . This event blends a classic concert video (filmed at Key City Public Theatre on Valentine's day, 2015), plus new love poems and music from Judith-Kate and time for conversation. These events will be held on zoom. Donations benefit the Mythsinger Legacy Project.

Tending the Inner Nest – A Free Creativity Workshop
Commune powerfully with your creativity in this free, generative, two-hour workshop. Judith-Kate will share her time-honored approach to creatively catalyzing artistic expression, courage, and confidence.
We’ll journey from the point of inception of an intuition or an idea, an impulse or a longing, through gestation and formation, to that moment where we hatch, fledge, and fly....

April-September 2023 book readings with music celebrating the publication of Daniel Deardorff’s The Other Within: The Genius of Deformity in Myth, Culture and Psyche (Inner Traditions, 2002).
Judith-Kate Friedman, award-winning composer, vocalist, Steward of the Mythsinger Legacy Project, and Daniel Deardorff’s life partner from 2006 until his passing in 2019, brought book events with music celebrating the 3rd edition publication book, The Other Within: The Genius of Deformity in Myth, Culture and Psyche (Inner Traditions, 2022) to WA, MA, NY, CA and OR in 2023.

Love Dogs 2022 - Part II
On February 28th, 2022, Judith-Kate Friedman will host Love Dogs - Part II, the second hour of her two-hour concert with Daniel “3D” Deardorff which they gave together at Key City Public Theatre for Valentine’s Day. This concert event will be held on Zoom. It will include a screening of the pre-recorded concert video followed by live audience conversation with all who attend. Donations will be gratefully accepted for the Mythsinger Legacy Project.

Love Dogs 2022 - Part II
On February 28th, 2022, Judith-Kate Friedman will host Love Dogs - Part II, the second hour of her two-hour concert with Daniel “3D” Deardorff which they gave together at Key City Public Theatre for Valentine’s Day. This concert event will be held on Zoom. It will include a screening of the pre-recorded concert video followed by live audience conversation with all who attend. Donations will be gratefully accepted for the Mythsinger Legacy Project.

Love Dogs 2022 - Part I
On February 14th, 2022, Judith-Kate Friedman will host Love Dogs - Part I - the first hour of a two-hour Valentine’s Day concert which she and Daniel “3D” Deardorff gave at Key City Public Theatre. This concert event will be held on Zoom. It will include a screening of the pre-recorded concert video followed by live audience conversation with all who attend. The second hour of the concert, Love Dogs - Part II will follow on February 28, 2022. Donations will be gratefully accepted for the Mythsinger Legacy Project.

Love Dogs 2022 - Part I
On February 14th, 2022, Judith-Kate Friedman will host Love Dogs - Part I - the first hour of a two-hour Valentine’s Day concert which she and Daniel “3D” Deardorff gave at Key City Public Theatre. This concert event will be held on Zoom. It will include a screening of the pre-recorded concert video followed by live audience conversation with all who attend. The second hour of the concert, Love Dogs - Part II will follow on February 28, 2022. Donations will be gratefully accepted for the Mythsinger Legacy Project.

Judith-Kate and Daniel “3D” Deardorff in their LOVE DOGS concert at Key City Playhouse, Port Townsend, WA.
Join us for an annual watch party and celebration of love around Valentine’s Day.